Sunday, April 19, 2009

Another Day...

Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm in withdrawl mode. I don't know what's gotten into me, but I haven't left the house in a few weeks. And it had been a few weeks until I left the house last time. I've been pushing people offline away. I just don't want to deal with them I suppose. It's better to make someone mad and hate you than to put effort into a relationship and have them hate you anyway. At least in my twisted mind. I haven't made doctor's appointments, which is probably part of the problem. I actually sucked it up this week and did a phone appointment with my psychologist. He gave me a new treatment plan - go see a movie every day. If only it didn't cost money. At least that got a laugh out of me.

It's odd. I would rather sit on my ass in front of my laptop and converse with my friends online than actually go out. I think a part of it is that the one friend I usually do see has a boyfriend that I can't stand. And her son gets to me. They both act like total assholes and disrespect her constantly. Not to mention there's a fight every time I'm there and her boyfriend hits on anything that moves. I suppose the drama keeps me away. My other friends and my sister all have a lot of responsibilities that make it hard for them to get together much. Plus, I'd rather sleep all day then spend it trying to think of things to banter about.

So my goals this week? Go to the movies with my sister tomorrow night. Go to my doctor's office (and schedule that appt. tomorrow.) And try to do one thing I didn't do the day before. It's a good plan for the short term I suppose.

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